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Tips for Eating Healthier at Work

Create a happier, healthier workplace 

By Avanti Markets / Feb 23, 2017

For those resolving to change eating habits this year, one of the biggest challenges is sticking to healthy habits at work. We’ve heard over and over that we should control the type of food we put in our pantry, cook our own meals and avoid fast food. Those are very helpful healthy eating tips, but even the most health conscious among us has been known to succumb to peer pressure and temptation when faced with birthday cake at work.

Here are some tips for staying on track:

  1. PLAN AHEAD: This is the most important part of eating healthy. Pick a day each week to plan for the next week. Write your meal plans on a piece of paper and pin it to your fridge at home or near your desk at work. Then, figure out what you need to do to achieve it. Look at your calendar and outline days that will be more hectic for you and decide ahead of time how you will make those days healthy.
  2. FIND A BUDDY: If you have a coworker who is also trying to change his or her eating habits, team up to keep each other on track. Keep each other accountable and share healthy eating tips and ideas. When you are together eating socially, plan to each provide a few healthy options and then hold each other accountable. (Hint: check out the options at your Avanti Markets breakroom market).
  3. TREAT YOURSELF RIGHT: Keep a stash of healthy and satisfying treat items at your desk so you can treat yourself without guilt. Energy bars that balance sugar with protein are a great choice. Nuts, Greek yogurt or a small piece of dark chocolate can stave off the sugar cravings and give you more control over impulse eats.
  4. INFLUENCE COMPANY CULTURE: Just because pastries are standard at the weekly meeting or Happy Hour Friday is a long standing tradition doesn’t mean you shouldn’t bring up new ideas. Others in the company may be struggling with the same temptations, but don’t feel empowered to speak up. Consider asking the management to make a few small steps toward supporting a healthier environment by adding new food choices to the breakroom, sponsoring a fitness event for employees or subsidizing some of the cost of healthy lunch items as part of a larger wellness plan.

It’s a New Year and a great as time as any to start with tips to a healthier you for this 2017.

Want to uncover more helpful tips or see how a breakroom market can work at your company? Discover more here.

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